Wayside church
We left the grotty hostel and set off in the rain. It was cold too, with a maximum of only 11°C expected so we were glad we only had 66 km in front of us. It’s a pity it was such a poor day as the scenery was lovely, undulating with green grass contrasting with the bright yellow of oilseed rape cultivation and woodland. We were very glad to find a cafe in Lanskroun to warm up.
It was hillier than previous days, the final long ascent taking half an hour, after which it was a gradual downhill all the way to Mohelnice. Much of this was along a patched and potholed forest road so we couldn’t take full advantage of the gradient but the final stretch into Mohelnice was a new cycle path by the side of a field. Taking land from a farmer to build a safer route for cyclists would be inconceivable in Britain. While the former soviet satellite progresses, the UK decays under the wet blanket of conservatism.
Tonight’s accommodation is a massive step up, an entire house with a big kitchen, warm and very well appointed. It even has two sinks in the bathroom so we can brush our teeth simultaneously without elbows clashing. There was a bit of a panic when we realised we’d left our USB charger plug behind, luckily we spotted an electrical shop by the Lidl we’d walked to for our cooking ingredients so our devices could still be fed.