I slept well until about 04:30, we rose at 07:00 and re-assembled the bikes before breakfast, which wasn’t served until 09:00. This comprised only bread and jam but good bread, made by the hostel staff. We then redoubled our efforts to find camping gas. It wasn’t stocked by the outdoor shop and the place suggested by the hostel was still closed at 10:30. We returned to the hostel so I could search online, Homecenter Sodimac on our way out of town came up so we loaded our bikes and set off after chatting to a couple of Austrians who would also be cycling our way. It was a huge building supplies warehouse so we were sceptical but they stocked it and 3,490 pesos bought a large canister.
Then we were off on Ruta 7, La Carretera Austral. Our first hundred kilometres would be asphalt, the ripio (unsealed) continuing into the remote far south. It was quite busy until the turnoff for Balmaceda airport, after which we encountered some stiff gradients and the benign WNW wind became a chilly southerly. We reached the basic CONAF camsite at 19:00, camped and cooked. It was a chilly night and I slept badly.