Our hostel room was so warm that I took the duvet out and slept with only the cover over me, none of us slept well. The 08:35 train to King’s Lynn was a little too early for us but we had plenty of time to catch the 09:35, formed by two class 387 units. There was no bike symbol on any of the doors which perplexed us, a staff member told to put them anywhere we liked! So our three bikes occupied a vestibule, luckily the train was very lightly loaded. Further along, a group had stored theirs in the disabled area.
It was nearly eleven when we left the town, initially on cycle paths. The cycling was easy, Norfolk is hillier than its reputation but the long straight roads allowed us to gather momentum for the next rise. We stopped for an early picnic on a bench by the entrance to the Sandringham estate and later for an ice cream at Binham Priory, there was a small shop with an honesty box but no cafe.
We reached YHA Sheringham soon after five, shopped at the nearby Tesco and cooked.
81.6 km (51 miles), 783 m of ascent