We spent the morning trying to find a replacement for Christine’s cagoule but there was little choice in the city. She opted for a lightweight translucent model, reminiscent of pacamacs from the 1960s, it was either that or a heavy duty Goretex which would have been too hot. It was midday by the time we’d finished, and rather warm as we wandered around the periphery of the Alhambra. Christine and I had visited in 2011 otherwise we’d have gone in, but we enjoyed the leisurely stroll and along the Sacramonte. We spent most of the evening planning the next stage of the holiday and booking accommodation in Cordoba as we’d be there during the May 1st holiday. The weather forecast was alarming, showing a plunge in temperatures with rain for the next three days, the receptionist assured us it must be a mistake as temperature as a maximum as low as 14 degrees was unheard of in late April in southern Spain. We booked an apartment in Priego de Cordoba for the next night.