After a sound sleep we breakfasted at Achintee before cycling to the end of Glen Nevis to tackle the Ring of Steall, a demanding walk which started with a hair raising river crossing. The bridge consisted of three cables, each around an inch in diameter, one each for the hands and one for the feet. There was a sign Dangerous Bridge at the end, though I could see that for myself! I didn’t fancy it at all, but as we eyed it nervously a German tourist crossed it confidently and Rowan followed him. So we were committed. Christine followed and I was last. The thing swayed alarmingly especially near the centre but somehow I made it to the other side.
We slogged it up the steep Sgurr a’ Mhaim (1099m/3605ft) along a very indistinct path and around the horseshoe, the rest of the walk being along a very good path. It was cloudy all day but the base was above the peaks so we were treated to some stupendous views all around. We met a Geordie out walking alone who told us he’d bagged all Scotland’s Munros (a mountain over 3000ft – there are 284 of them) in two years. We climbed four today. He also told us he’d waded across the river as there was a girl stuck on the middle of the bridge too frightened to either proceed or retreat and a large queue behind her. I’d already been thinking about that option and this made up my mind. It was very easy but I had to wait a quarter of an hour after crossing for the other two, who’d had to traverse a bog and a waterfall before reaching the bridge!
We returned to our bikes and cycled back to Achintee to collect our luggage then on to Calluna, arriving at 21:00 to cook dinner.