A wet, windy, thundery start to the morning encouraged us to take our first rest day of the holiday so we wandered down to the jetty for a boat trip. The two hour ride down Loch Glencoul culminated in a viewing of Britain’s highest waterfall, Eas a Chuall Aluinn with seals basking on the loch shore. The shape of these creatures reminded us of the slugs which would be pillaging the garden in our absence. The weather improved as soon as we’d boarded and Quinag revealed its summit. The previous evening we’d been thinking of scaling it today but the clouds had lifted too late for that, and besides we were in need of a rest… this was a holiday after all. The boat trip in the warm sunshine was very relaxing, enlivened by the commentary from the extrovert skipper who told tall stories and encouraged all on board to have a go at steering the craft!
We lunched at the backpackers before a stroll along the loch, dinner and a drink at the local pub.