A sad day! Christine bought a compact camera for her two week stay in Australia as she didn’t fancy lugging my SLR around, then she checked into the Rolleston youth hostel. The city centre hostel was noisy at night, clubbers making a racket in the street until 03:00 before the deliveries started around 05:00. Rolleston is just outside the central shopping area and on the right side for the airport so it’s very popular. We’d been unable to book a double room there but Christine secured a dormitory bed for her two nights alone.
Then we went for a fruit juice, said goodbye for a fortnight and I was on my way to the airport, arriving at 10:40 to give me a comfortable amount of time to prepare the bike before the 13:50 flight to Sydney. All went well until my arrival in Manchester where I discovered my bike had missed the plane! BA couldn’t guarantee it would be on the next one and recommended I left them to deliver it.
So I dragged my panniers – heavy and awkward when they’re not on the bike – to the airport station, on to Crewe and home to Bangor. After a good night’s sleep I felt fine and was up at 07:00 and into work the following morning. When I returned my faithful World Tour was waiting for me, having accomplished a trip worthy of its name.