The road north was a delight, mixed deciduous woodland, lavender, potentilla and wild rose, songbirds bringing music to the scene. We turned off the road shortly after passing the convent of San Calixto, still enjoying the peaceful ride. We stopped for lunch in the village square at Las Navas de la Concepcion, glad of some shade since the day was rapidly warming up. The route became hillier as we crossed into the Sierra Norte de Sevilla region, pine trees dominating the landscape. To retain flexibility we’d not booked ahead, so when we reached Constantina we were free to book into the modern albergue at 16:30, in need of respite from the heat.
The most interesting part of the town is supposed to be up by the ruined castle but the heat quelled our enthusiasm for a climb so we just had a look round the town. We didn’t see anywhere promising to eat so were glad we’d booked dinner in the hostel cafe when we arrived. This turned out to be a large roquefort and apple salad, a mixed ensalada and a pea, bean, carrot and artichoke heart salad, with fruit to follow, all for only eight euro each.