A warm sunny morning greeted us as we set off at 10:00. We soon remembered that we’d released some air for the ripio so had to stop to pump up our tyres for the pavimento. With a light wind and mostly behind us, it was an easy run to the junction for the road to Puerto Rio Ibañez and then mainly downhill into the town accompanied by beautiful scenery, little traffic and a good surface. We passed a few cyclists and a few backpackers travelling towards us.
The wind strengthened as we approached the town and we stopped for a breezy lunch at a mirador overlooking the lake, a couple of kilometres before Puerto Rio Ibañez. The town centre was almost deserted, we rode to the lakeside where the tourist information centre in a new wooden building was closed, this being 13:30 and lunch time No opening times were posted.
The same building housed a restaurant so we called in for tea and respite from the cold wind, sadly no cake was on offer. We could see the ferry from inside. Opposite the restaurant was a friendly supermercado where we bought rolls and plums, the returned for more tea. Finally it was time to move on for the 19:00 ferry, there’s nothing of interest in the town so it had been a long afternoon.
We enjoyed a dramatic sunset and landed at 21:30 then went in search of accommodation. The recommended hospedaje was full and the campsite was crammed with backpacker tents so we took a room there for 45,000 pesos. It was very basic and towels were not provided, accommodation options are very limited here.